The St. Rita Guild is a service and charitable organization focusing on parish life.
All members of the parish are welcome to join!
MEETINGS Meetings are held the second Friday of the month, from September through June, at 9:00 a.m. in O’Malley Hall.
ANNUAL EVENTS Throughout the year, the Guild hosts or assists with several annual events where members can volunteer to help promote or facilitate activities for the enjoyment of our parish and community.
Communion Breakfast (Fall) Held after a 10 a.m. Sunday Mass in the fall, members help organize, sell tickets, and set up for a delicious catered breakfast, which features a special guest speaker.
Food Drive & Advent Giving Tree (Winter) To share the gifts of nourishment, joyful holiday time, and God’s love, our members facilitate The Annual Food Drive and Advent Giving Tree. We collect non-perishable food, as well as toys, clothing and other items for families in need.
Lenten Soup Supper & Stations of the Cross (Winter/Spring) Made and served by our members, the Lenten Soup Supper is a uniquely spiritual time to gather before we lead our parish in the evening’s Stations of the Cross.
Game Day (Early Spring) From Bridge to Mahjong, a day of fun and games brings the parish community and friends together for laughter and a lovely lunch in O’Malley Hall. Members help organize, sell tickets, coordinate games, assist with lunch, and bake cakes.
St. Rita Feast Day (Spring) Members volunteer for this vibrant event by welcoming visitors from all over southern California staffing the flower exchange, St. Rita gift sales, and so much more.
St. Rita Peace Award (Summer) At the conclusion of the school year, the Guild presents a medal and scholarship to a 7th grade young lady to help offset her 8th grade tuition.