“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” —Psalm 127:3
About Safeguard the Children
Safeguard the Children is a comprehensive program designed to promote a safe environment for children, youth and vulnerable adults and prevent child sexual abuse. The program was initiated in all dioceses in the United States at the direction of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). There is a Safeguard the Children Committee in each parish which helps to implement the objectives of the USCCB “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People”. The Los Angeles Archdiocese has produced an informative brochure entitled “Working Together” that provides resources on how to prevent abuse and provides information on reporting child abuse.
About the Safeguard the Children Committee
“Each parish/school site in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is mandated to have a Safeguard the Children Committee.
This is not optional.” (September, 2002)
The Safeguard the Children Committee plays a crucial role in assuring that the safeguard initiatives found in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People are a priority. The committee oversees implementation of the Archdiocesan policies and procedures at the location, supports safe environment programs and resources, promotes parish and school site safety, reviews safe environment programs and events at parishes and schools, assists in the annual United States Conference of Catholic Bishops safe environment audit process, and promotes awareness of April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Please click to access the Official Charter Document from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
St. Rita Catholic Parish’s Safeguard the Children Committee
The St. Rita Committee consists of caring adults from both the parish and school working together to surround our children and young people with circle a of safety by insuring that the safe environment programs, policies and procedures are being implemented in our parish, school and local community. Members include the Pastor, Parish Administrator, School Principal, Director of Faith Formation, Director of Operations, School Administrator, PTO President, Parents, Facilitators and members of the Parish Safety Committee. Meetings are held semi-annually or more often as needed.
The mission of the St. Rita Safeguard the Children Committee is to create a safe environment for children, the youth and vulnerable adults.
The Committee helps to ensure that:
St. Rita Catholic Parish and St. Rita School are committed to “Protecting All of God’s Children” against the dangers of sexual abuse. Therefore, for the safety of our children and the entire parish/school community, St. Rita requires 100% compliance with the Safeguard the Children Program.
Each parent and any school volunteer (step-parent, legal guardian, grandparent, family member 18+, caregiver, etc.) must be in full compliance before volunteering for or supervising children in any capacity at any school or church events/activities; such as Harvest Festival or any fundraising activities, driving students to a field trip, carline duty, coaching, etc. or any parish program where an individual will be volunteering with or around children. In addition, all St. Rita School students and all Faith Formation students, regardless of level, will take part annually in the “Teaching Touching Safety” or other approved safe environment education program.
Requirements for Clergy, Parish and School Staff, Parents, Caregivers, and Volunteers
In accord with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, St. Rita Catholic Parish leadership and the Safeguard the Children Committee have developed the following policies for all volunteers at the parish and school:
Upon completion of VIRTUS® training and fingerprinting, your “Protecting God’s Children” training is good for four years from the date on your certificate. To keep current with your certification, you must:
It is important that everyone report suspected child abuse. The truth is that our first inclination is to not get involved, but if you fail to act, that is all it takes for abuse or neglect to continue. If you ever come across suspected abuse, we urge you to call the Los Angeles County Child Protection Hotline at (800) 540-4000. The hotline is operated twenty-four hours, around the clock, seven days a week. You don’t need to know that child abuse or neglect is taking place, you are welcome to report your suspicions and consult with a social worker if you are not clear whether what you are witnessing or have learned of is abuse.
Priests, deacons, school faculty and administrators and other staff members in our parishes and schools have been designated as mandated reporters under California law. When one of these persons receives information leading to a “reasonable suspicion” that a child is being abused or neglected, he or she must make a report to the appropriate child protection or law enforcement agency. For more information on Responding to an Allegation of Suspected Child Abuse, please visit: https://protect.la-archdiocese.org If you are being abused, have been abused, or know someone who is being abused, you can call Victims Assistance Ministry at: (800) 355-2545 for assistance to make a report. You may also seek help directly by contacting one of the Child Protective Services or one of the Law Enforcement Agencies listed below. In an emergency call 911.
Los Angeles County:
LA County Child Abuse Hotline: (800) 540-4000
Investigative Control Unit for All Child Abuse Reports: (213) 486-0530
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Special Victims Bureau (24 hours): (562) 946-8531
To speak to a detective: (562) 946-7960
Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office
Sexual Crimes Division: (213) 974-9790
Family Violence Division: (213) 974-3785
For callers residing outside the State of California who wish to contact Child Protective Services in Los Angeles: (213) 639-4500