Please click here to complete the online registration for the 2024-2025 school year.
Registration fees cover the costs of Faith Formation resources, supplies, and hospitality (e.g. snacks, activity supplies, resource subscriptions, etc.). Additional fees for Sacramental Preparation are not included in the registration fee and are noted in the program overview (e.g. retreats, photographers, conferences, etc.). A review of the program fees are listed below.
Please know that St. Rita Catholic Parish is here to serve all families and we don’t want finances to inhibit anyone from receiving faith formation or the Sacraments. If your family is in need of special financial consideration at this time, please email Jeremiah Shoop, our Faith Formation Coordinator, to discuss available options.
Welcome to St. Rita! We’re delighted to be a part of your family’s faith journey. Please click here to become a registered member of our parish community.
Not to worry! St. Rita values even the youngest members of our parish family!
Children between the ages of 4 and 10 are invited to participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month during the 10:00 a.m. Mass in which trained catechists invite the children to Gara Hall and facilitate age-appropriate conversations and activities about the readings of the day.
Additionally, we would love to have you join our monthly Family Ministry sessions which take place on the THIRD Sunday of each month. Families will gather together for fellowship, fun activities, and meaningful conversation. Family Ministry is free and there is no need to register for these gatherings.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year process for high school teens, starting in the Fall of their freshman year. Besides full participation in youth ministry activities and events, Confirmation candidates have various opportunities to personally encounter Jesus Christ and deepen their relationship with Him and His Church. Before registering, please visit the Confirmation page to download important documents and, for those new to the program, schedule a Meet & Greet with our Faith Formation Coordinator.
Preparing for First Communion is a two-year process typically starting in first grade (but could be anytime your family is ready).
In the second year, there are two mini retreats in immediate preparation for receiving both the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Click here to register.
Family Ministry is open to ALL families in the St. Rita Parish Community (including St. Rita School). Families gather on the THIRD Sunday of every month after the 10:00 a.m. Mass for fellowship, fun activities, and meaningful conversation. Think plenty of coffee and donuts, relevant and down-to-earth faith-filled topics for families, and sharing the messy, beautiful experiences of daily living. Our mission is to build up the Saint Rita community by nurturing the domestic church within your home! There is no registration and no cost to participate.